During this thorough "cleanse", I found that memories long forgotten had found their way back to the conscious level. Mostly fond memories of playing outside at the Norager house, or sleepovers at Nater's house where we stayed up all night (ie until about 10:30pm) playing "Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers" video game for the SNES. But the one memory that came back to me that gave me the biggest smile was this one:
It was a very early August morning (around 6am) and I was 11 years old. Mom came in to my room and woke me out of a dead sleep. "Wake up, Jesse." She said.
"What?" I moaned, not very happy to be awake at that hour. Either Mom had thought that it was time to go back to the short lived "everybody to bed at 7pm and everybody wakes up @ 5am" plan, or there was something else going on.
"Did you wet the bed?" She asked. You may think this to be an odd question to be asking an 11 year old boy, but if you think it odd, then you obviously did not grow up in the Butterworth household.
"Uhhhhhh..." I looked down to examine the evidence.
"Quick, get up and get dressed." She urged.
"Why?" I said.
"Just get dressed really quick."
"Ok". I hopped up and got dressed. After I was clothed a pee-pee free, Mom took me to the front door where there were 2 youth pastors from the church and 6 other 11 year old boys from the church.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Quick, grab him!" They yelled. And they all pounced on me and pretended to kidnap me and throw me in the back of the van to take me to the church. Unbeknownst to me, this was my "initiation" into the 6th graders class at Calvary Bible Church.
While sitting over donuts and orange juice at the initiation breakfast, the other boys regaled the stories of how the youth pastors and the other boys came in to the room and picked them up out of bed, duct taped them up and "kidnapped" them.
"Why didn't my mom let them take me out of my bed, too?" I wondered to myself. I kind of felt like I got robbed of having a "cool" experience like those kids did.
And then it occurred to me.
Sometimes love looks a mom protecting her late-bed-wetting-son from mockery.
Thanks Mom!
I love you too!
1 comment:
I love that story...seriously. I am sitting here all choked up.
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